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Hovercraft – Build Fly Retry v1.3.5 Android APK
Hovercraft: fly yeniden deneme Yapı - yerden hover benzersiz araçlar uçmak. Yoğun bir karayolu boyunca gemi Fly.Android için bu oyunda kendi aracınızı inşa edebilirsiniz. Renkli bloklar dışarı istediğiniz herhangi bir yapı inşa etmek basit bir düzenleyicisi kullanın. Parça üzerine Aracınızı alın ve deli hızlarda sürücü. Fütüristik şehirlerin sokaklarında Rush. Trafikte Tack ve engellerle çarpışmaları önlemek. Çarpışmalar zincir reaksiyonları başlatmak ve onları ne izle.
This game is awesome. The graphics are great, especially for a mobile game. The featured screenshots are lying. The graphics are much clearer than it shows. It does get boring eventually, but with the new update, it's a lot more fun. If you read the release notes, you will see that now you can upgrade your hovercrafts. I'm really glad they added this feature, because now you can smack into things head on if you upgrade your hovercraft enough. Seriously. I tried it with two bars of extra durability, and although I lost a considerable amount of fuel, I kept on going. Fortunately, upgrading your hovercraft's durability like mad doesn't make you invincible. You can still be flattened by a truck. That's coming from experience. Twice. There's also speed and handling. Upgrading those enough makes HoverCraft a decent driving game. And last and probably least is fuel efficiency. After upgrading this to two bars, I didn't really notice any difference. So if you ask me, you should put your main focus on durability and handling. Speed is also a nice thing to have. To finish off, if you're like me and you don't like getting a certain type of pre-made hovercrafts, I would recommend using your coins on upgrading the hovercrafts you already have.
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